Objective Truths and Religion

Interesting. Being religious is not easy and it comes from really wanting to follow truth. It comes after a person witnessed G-d in his life and feels compelled to acknowledge Him. Usually people do not want to admit Him, because it takes away their personal freedom and makes them feel lower. I used to feel that way. Still do sometimes. This I heard from Rabbi Mizarchi on the lecture Can You Change Your Future. I do feel that being religious is a struggle but a worthy one. It gives me satisfaction and pleasure to know I am doing the right thing. It is a constant struggle to do the right thing. I hope I never stop trying. That would mean spiritual death.

I was thinking that when people want to follow their personal truths they feel exempt from wanting to admit there is a G-d with instructions. Such as certain spiritual teachers out there. They feel they can pick and chose what they deem is right for them at the time based on their personal emotions. While this is okay to some degree, there has to be a limit- when it comes to affecting others. Such as, I heard a Spiritual Guru who is very famous and popular decided to cheat on her spouse because she did not feel loved enough and justified it with wanting to chose her happiness. Her ex spouse wrote a declaration about her that she did not feel her teachings applied to herself and was self righteous and narcissistic and not empathetic to others feelings. His heart had obviously broken into a thousand pieces from her behavior. This shows that without an objective Truth, people do not have an authority to pick what is right for them. They need to consult with others, such as mentors, who could see more clearly from the outside and knowing them, see what is right for them. Their teaching is flawed if they are not following it themselves, I don't care how smart they sound. If they can't do it themselves they will not be able to show others truth.

When we ignore others emotions we can be cruel. I saw this is how my adoptive family ignored my pain and my cousin claimed I should not feel like I don't belong because I am adopted, it was not right for everyone for me to feel that way. It wounded me deeply and brought back my initial trauma of not being heard. Joe Soll told me, if I can't talk about it now then when will it ever be "a good time?" It is reality, that I am adopted and not their blood. This is what drives families apart- non communication and validation. I am right to be deeply hurt and traumatized. It was relieving to hear that my feelings were valid.

I guess I should be paying attention to my daughter's feelings as well. Just because I want to ignore her and do work in the house, it doesn't mean her feelings of wanting to be included and seen are not true and valid. I would not want her to feel invalidated like I did all the years.  How my sister treated me was downright nasty and pathetic, as Joe Soll validated. She could not be open and friendly even if I was and did the right thing by offering her empathy. I cried and cried like a banchee for all the years of pain and it was great of me. He admired me. The way they just could not handle me being truthful about "adopted" pain was totally incorrect. It was everyone's reality. My mother acted stupid by not listening to my need to get out of the car, as well.

We need an objective truth, and by only following ourselves we can be wrong and inconsiderate. I am relieved to know there is truth out there. And I wish I can follow it.


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