A Mother's Love Moves Mountains

It is now more obvious to me than ever that a child needs a mother's love to blossom. I saw in the videos of me and my toddler, how she responds to my voice and tone soo acutely.. Like if I seem down it is very obvious and she gets distracted and stares off into the distance, and when I am being truthfully happy she gets activated and excited too. It is all about how our spirits are connected due to being mother and child, and our similarities from DNA. A rabbi said something along the lines of our DNA being always on, and how parents and family members are acting directly affects their children and each other. This resonates perfectly with what I went through today.

I know I am the only one who can sooth my daughter, and our bond is intact. She listens to me and responds to what I do and act like during the day. We have a closeknit relationship, that grows every day due to our interactions. The more I can accept her full person, challenges and all, the more she can embrace herself and be confident. I adore seeing her be her little self, running around, finding fun even when it is not what I want all the time. Sometimes it is challenging.

Tonight, I saw how she was struggling with sleep due to overtiredness, and I was too anxious to rock her to sleep calmly so I tried to relax by lying down and being on my phone. She did not like that, and I was bothered by her hyperactivity so I... Kinda pushed her and squeezed her with anger. Her tears burst out suddenly and bitterly, she looked totally broken and helpless that I just felt awful. I watched her and mouthed sorry. She cried and cried. I felt disgusting and like I did not deserve forgiveness. I went to the kitchen and sighed and gave in to my desire to bake some paleo bread. She followed, and my husband agreed to put her to sleep. I worked happily, and then heard her babbling. I knew it was because she was repressed and missing me, but was too stuck to have her needs met with my husband forcefully rocking her. She did not trust him with her feelings. I went in there and said she wants me. She looked at me like a life-line, and protested to jump to me. I held her lovingly, and repeated to her that I loved her. She was happy. We went to put away some last things in the kitchen, and I spoke to her soothingly the whole time, saying I was sorry and she came to me and held me at one point. I felt like a mother and my heart was bursting with love and gratitude for her. I picked her up and sang her to sleep. She cried a bit and I was glad to see those painful tears and I stroked her face.

I think mothers are soo important to children's growth, and I wish my mother had been more open to my emotions growing up.


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