Going out of My Comfort Zone and Astrology North Nodes

I'm going to talk a bit about what I know about my South Node in Gemini and North in Sagittarius, as I think this makes a lot of sense to who I am. I see how ascendant and moon also make big impressions on a person, how he is inside, his traits and mannerisms, and separately, his impression on the outside... And it makes a very interesting and complex reading of each individual.
But I digress. Ha love that word it sounds so professional. I am just focusing on this aspect...

I have always been nervous and shy in front of others, and this is largely due to my scorpio ascendant coupled with my upbringing. As it said:
The Rising Sign is your ‘exterior’. The part of you which interacts with new people. There are times when we are mystified by how acquaintances describe us. It is difficult to know our own outer self. This is because what you show may not be what who you are. Inside you might feel like a scaredy cat but outwardly you might seem courageous. This is the case when the Rising Sign is in conflict wish the Moon Sign.

The Rising Sign influences how we look. So people with Scorpio as Rising Sign can be dark, slim and with intense eyes. The Taurian may have a large head and a quick walk. Virgo may have delicate limbs.

The Rising Sign also reflects the conditioning that has been received in childhood. This is when everyone begins to learn the ways of the world. If this learning is in contrast to your inner self, it becomes the ‘mask’ preventing the world from knowing you

My ascendant is Scorpio and great, my parents screwed up my perception too. So this means I seem deep and mysterious and brooding to the world, yet my sun and moon signs are both Taurus... So I am very complicated once people spend more time with me. Because I act deep, but my mannerism can be very materialistic-centered and earthy. And my North node, being my potential and what I strive towards, is Sagittarius- which is described as:
At some point in your life you will have to choose between living in the city and the country.  This mirrors the deeper choice you must make between living a stimulating life among many acquaintances and a life of contemplation and solitude.

Your greatest task in this lifetime is to seek the truth.  This means leaving behind your love of trivia, gossip, and rumor.  Appearances are no longer as importance as substance.  For the north node in sagittarius, it’s vitally important to be natural and real, and deemphasize the urbane and sophisticated.

So I am used to being trivial and only trusting among people I know... And I have to spread out and reach new people and become accepting of the whole. The same article says that I will be happiest by teaching what I know to lots of people. I see how my uncertainty of others holds me back from being friendly and gregarious to strangers. In the park the other day, I literally had to force myself to be friendly to a little girl, as we were the only ones in the park and my inner intuition was telling me that it was a normal and human thing to do to be aware of other people and connect to them when around them. So I was kind of pained, as I struck up a conversation as to the who's, what's, and where's about our places. She was extremely receptive, and I felt like one of those talk show hosts that always knew how to connect with others on a shot and I had always wondered and admired how they did it. It did not come natural to me. Anyway, I felt more spiritual and like I was being who I was supposed to be. I have always felt that my true calling and being out of my comfort zone was expansion and inclusion of all types, strangers too, in my life. :) fits with the Sag North Node.


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