Horoscopes, Personality and Addictions Blinding Happiness
Addictions make us not want see the good we have in front of us. They make us run away from feeling, just to satisfy them. We end up losing our happiness in life, ruining the good times we could be having. I saw this with my husband as it came out that he had addictions that was ruining our marriage and joy. I was happy because it finally made me see I wasn't crazy for being unhappy. His mood darkened our days. He was open about it and that was half the battle, because now we know the problem. We can find the solution to make our marriage and lives richer and more abundant.
I am addicted too, and it sometimes prevents me from being happy with my life and my daughter. I need a fix to make me happy at times. I recognize it and try my best to stay away from too much focus on food that controls my mood if I cannot have it. Children are lucky because they do not yet have an unhealthy view on food. So they only eat when they are hungry, and what their body needs. They are more in tune with their bodies. Emotionally as well of course. I do see that when I project my feeling of food on her, she gets nervous and fidgety around it. She also does not want to eat because she sees it as a bad thing too, so she pushes the food at me even though I can tell she wants to eat but is uncomfortable. It frustrates me. When we are out she is more comfortable eating because I guess I am more nonchalant.
Anyway, my Sagittarius north node likes travel and being spiritual, as apposed to staying in a group and familiarity and restlessness like my Gemini south node. So we went to a new neighborhood and are sitting on some grass because I could not find a nice park. I still feel excited about it though. My daughter is drinking some protein drink I bought that I am pleased with because I love vanilla. I found out that my ascendant, which is the first house in my birth chart and how others see me, is Scorpio and I am enthralled. It means that I am mysterious and deep to others, and I always knew that but wondered why because my sun and moon sign being Taurus is very practical. It is amazing how much makes a person, and how we need to study each person for a long time before saying that we know them. So much affects every interaction, mentally and verbally... Wow. Therefore we cannot judge another until we truly understand, which we really can never. We need more respect for one another then. It's hard sometimes, because we project how we see people from our own self, inevitably. Unless we know ever aspect of ourselves. My Gemini makes me tend to skim over lots of information and not settle down deeply in one topic. A horoscope specialist on YouTube said something smart: people see us through their own reflection, so it is important to be with someone who sees the best reflection of you.
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