PTSD Triggers Cause Freezing up, and Womens' Nature Being Squandered

I saw on Facebook on Is Adoption Trauma? Page that people with PTSD or developmental trauma tend to freeze and have a hard time with decisions in life, but it will not help to give them advice. This is true because when they are experiencing a trigger, nothing can move them and they just need to get through the feeling. I relate a lot to this and I see it with others who have childhood trauma. They cannot see when their feelings overwhelm them. I see this in my friend whom I was with yesterday, that she is drifty and lost in life but so unaware of it. She is probably shame based and thinks this is her fault, because when I asked her if she went for therapy, she said no- it didn't hinder her life. I saw through her and knew that she had many issues presently based on her past. But until she can face that I cannot be around or be close with her because she makes me feel gas lighted, as she ignores her symptoms and mine which remind her of her own that she subconsciously avoids.

It's so crazy how so many people walk around feeling dead inside, and this is due to their PTSD from childhood trauma. Of being made to feel disgustingly and rejected just because their parents couldn't deal with their own shame and hurt so project it onto them and make them feel unlovable for just being human. Such as with children crying- they do not mean to be bad, they just don't know how to control emotions because they do not have logic as much but when they are shamed for it they disassociate from themselves and lose their ability to let go of the feeling and it stays stuck inside.

The page also spoke about how PTSD symptoms may become so normal for a person that they do not think it is unusual. Such as, fearing what others think to an extreme, feelings of worthlessness and guilt, extreme anxiety, and the like. This is rampant in society. It is considered normal to be anxious a lot.

When we make this PTSD the norm, we stay stuck in pain and helplessness. We cannot be our full selves, and embrace our nature and talents. We can't have passion for life. I discovered passion recently with my singing and also in taking care of my child. I try to follow my heart now as much as I could. Re parent myself as I told my husband- our daughter gets unconditional love and parenting and she feels joy and confidence in herself, so why can't we do that for ourselves? It made a mark because he decided to let go and get himself lots of sushi that hr didn't need but wanted.

When we can feel love and less toxic shame for ourselves, we can love life and have more energy saved for positivity.

Also, I see in the world how women are not equal to men in importance. Pockets Of The Future was talking about that in a video I saw while trying to make sense of celebrity life and it's backwardness. He said "feminism" is wrong and missing the mark when women try to be life men and use their bodies and strong-mindedness/toughness to make it as success. The glass ceiling is actually normal and it is because women are just not built to be top in the business world like men. He said a highest calling for the feminine is to be nurturing and a creator of life, to raise children. Women's power is in their vulnerability and nurturing. Since they don't value it enough, masculinity is on top of the power and our world is not in balance as evidenced in the wars and dominance of money as focus in leadership. Women have to embrace their nature and not their bodies and sexual prowess, as the world pushes for so much. It trickles down to us on every commercial and corporation that women's beauty and sexiness is of utmost importance. There are big issues here, and we are all in pain because of it. Just doing a bit to change it in yourself can make a world difference in the surroundings. People can see your confidence and admire it, and may even be inspired to change too.

I think it goes along with learning that the way you were treated does not mean you are bad, and once you recognize that who you are is not to be shut down just because society doesn't place value on it, women can be less shameful of their vulnerability and emotional needs. They can play on it confidently and stop trying to be like men. I saw in my friend that she was a bit ashamed of her son's cries and tried to discipline him to stop, but in a shaming way that made him feel bad. I pointed it out and she listened, really appreciating my openness to children's needs. But it felt like talking to my mother, because her values were obviously different but she pretended to be like me and accept everything so quickly. I just didn't have patience keeping to pretend we were on the same page.


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