Tasting Freedom, Kangen Water!

Today was a beautiful day in the new house. Things seem smoother. From my being grateful and the new space. I saw an article in a free paper that my husband happened to take, all about Kangen water and how regular tap or bottled water is bad for you because of it's high acidic level. Kangen water was developed in Japan where the people are eating much healthier and live longer than any other country. He went on to write about the three reasons people age and die, being dehydration, stress, and high acidity levels. For a free consultation and trial of the water, you can try for yourself how it feels and decide wether to make t the change to the water. So I called him today, in midst of rushing to the store to be back for the internet installation, and he was very exuberant and patient with me, without fronts and we scheduled to have him for a "presentation" shortly. He heard why I wanted to try it as a young parent with interest in a healthy lifestyle, and said I was perfect for his clientele. I wondered what he was so intent about proving it for. I already bought into it.

He came right in with lots of luggage. He gave a fantastic, professional presentation, based on pure scientific facts with no emotional agenda, as he said. I was awed. He demonstrated how the main different waters and soft  drinks tested in oxidation level and I was horrified that bottled poland spring water was soo high, at plus 430. The more minus the level is, the more anti-oxidants it contains, which keeps the body from aging and being "rusty." I asked what happened to people who only drank this oxidized water and soda all day, because it was not obvious that they became sicker right away. He explained it simply, and said later he'd show me specifically. He said their bodies had to use other mineralization and nutrients to balance out, but it was taking these from their bones, later causes sicknesses from bone breakdown like osteoporosis and arthritis.. I was shocked. He then demonstrated how alkaline each liquid was by pouring special drops into them, the most acidic being red, to yellow, to neutral green at 7, and turning more purple going up until 14. The sodas had orange, and the bottled water was yellow, aside from Fiji, which is only better off in being 7.7 alkaline but still very oxidized. The alkaline water, of course was bright purple. He showed us how the minerals are much smaller in alkaline water, because they penetrated a tea bag and brought out the color/flavor even through room temperation degree, while the regular acidic water had big particles which caused it to not bring out the tea flavor (only when it is heated). I was impressed. He then showed us how alkaline water rubs off the oily, pesticide layers on regular tomatos, in how the water was green full of that cr** when he ran them through it. The regular water did not make any difference in color when the tomatos where run through it. He let us eat it and they were the most delicious tomatos we ever had.

So the machine was of course, not cheap as I hypothesized as we saw all the magic it possessed and necessity it was to have. But the benefits far outweigh the price, because it means your body becomes instantly more alkalized without much effort. As he said, this is the easiest good lifestyle investment you can make. He and I both said that it was a special thing that I happened to have called and set up this meeting. He was so gracious and honored to be a catalyst for out partaking in this. After what we saw, we could not go back to drinking bottled or tap water. As he said, the medical bills and pain of getting sick far overrides the expense of this machine. We also had to get an osmosis filter first, that his friend installs, in order for the water to be more gentle for the machine, and then it goes right by our sink and has a separate knob to use it. Two pipes come out, and water that is alkaline and acidic from the pipes get separated and flow into each pipe at different levels according to how alkaline we want the water. The higher level alkaline can be used to clean the floors and is not safe for drinking, which is great to know. We can throw out our chemical cleaners. The more acid waters are good for skin, because skin is more acidic in order to protect from germs. It was all so amazing to hear.

He gave us two big bottles to start, and told us we can pick up more as we finish them at his house. We told him our financial situation does not support the machine expense, and he said he helps lower budget families because this is a priority, so they can pay over the course of a year. And if it takes longer, they can extend it. He went through it himself 3 years ago, when he started. We just need to prove that we have good credit. He said it is the greatest thing you can give to your family, and kid. We agreed spot on and asked how come more people are not aware of it. He said he says the same thing, which is why he is doing this. We were so happy.

My husband said he feels like things are finally coming together. We have this beautiful, renovated house and our own furniture coming. We are taking charge of our decisions and direction in life. G-d is helping us make healthier decisions. Our kid can be more free. Less obtrusion of what family or old friends say, we so not have to be with toxic people who make us feel shamed of our own feelings. I feel like I got so much, and now I am free to feel good about it and accept it because I know it does not come with strings, such as meddling or judgemental family. Or people who do not want what we want for ourselves- health and freedom.

As for describing drinking Kangen water, it feels and tastes delicious and clear, like my mind and body are aligned in what I want and it is clear. Like knowing the decisions I am making are 100% correct, without doubt. It is fresh and I know that it flushes my body of toxicity. This is what it feels to be confident that you are making the right choices for life.


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