Taurus Bull-ness and Virgo Emotional Depth

Got into the Horoscopes thing again lately, and it has really been mindblowing how true it is. I am Taurus, which is the opposite of Scorpio so I carry deep down their traits- of deep romanticism and emotions. My daughter is a Virgo, and we mesh really well... I found out today that her opposite is a Pisces, who are even more emotional than Taurus. Their emotions run really deep, so the Virgos are even more secretive than Taurus and it is very hard for them to show what they are feeling. I have seen this a lot along our journey... It is impossible for her to make eye contact with me when we are close for long. Anyway, she is really sensitive. I am seeing how Taurus is indeed a powerhouse of stability, as I heard online that they are able to control the most stressful of situations and comfort everyone. This is interesting for me because I do see how I am stronger than anyone I know when it comes to dealing with deep feelings. I just work through it like a bull lol. So Virgo can be too scared to show their feelings.. I hear that. My daughter is very fragile she got upset this weekend over me laughing lightly at her cuteness in front of 2 other children and it showed in how she pulled away from me in anger after. And now, it has been a long hard day of traveling and she might have felt minimized when we roughly told her not to touch something or come into the house with dirty shoes as we were unpacking our old rented apartment. She fell asleep right away when we got back, but woke up now with tears like never before. Pitiful, endless -seeming sobs. Like her world was in turbulence. I know it may mean she is just still tired, but it definitely has some painful feelings mixed in from feeling hurt and small. Her defenses are let down. I try my best in my Taurusness to show I am there, but I am scared that I am not good enough to hold her pain. It is scary when you realize that you are only a tiny person in a vast universe with all kinds of different people, and you can never possibly fully understand another person, even your own child. That is why it is crucial to try- so they at least feel accepted to have themselves and feel validated. I remember my Pisces old friend, that broke apart from me due to mutual codependency, was extremely emotionally deep and sensitive that I could never fully grasp it. And I felt like a simpleton in her presence, due to her always telling me how sweet I was. I did not feel complex for who I am with her.

My mom being a Sagittarius did not even try to understand my Taurus deepness at all, and I was extremely complex as a child. Always feeling deeply caring about every creature I came into contact with, wanting to fully merge with ideas and possibilities. She just brushed it off as interesting, and I felt minimized and not good enough for her world of material success and popularity with the community.

So I know the importance of having to have sensitivity to your children's developing personality. I am only a Taurus, though and may not be able to access the deep, watery life of a Cancer or Picses. My husband being Cancer. It is weird to open my eyes to this, after spending so much time on myself and not seeing the rest of the world for what it is. Typical Taurus lol. Sometimes I get so depressed about my self-centeredness when I see it. I see the good side of Taurus too, though and know that G-d put all the types down here to work together and appreciate each other. I am in essence: strong, stand up for my values fiercely, good at being practical/earthy, see past superficially and need realness.

We can only be ourselves anyway, and it is the only way to grow. By knowing your traits and not trying to be something else because then you beat yourself up, and have no measurement to judge your true self by. It's the only way to be real and appreciate your life.


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