Taurus, Cancer, and Virgo Superpowers

I'm laughing so much, things are finally making sense. With my personality and my frustration with it. I listened to Alyssa Sharpe talk about the signs and their superpowers and how it could go the opposite way when not utilised...and it sounds wonderful and fits with everything I know about myself and other people in my life and their zodiac sign. Insecurities, power, relationship etc. I am stoked to tell you.

With the Taurus, its' superpower is creating from what exists, that Aries the first sign brought. I have always felt interested in making new things, whether out of ideas or connecting things physically to make something beautiful... I have always felt beauty was my calling. I have shunned myself for it, hates myself for my looking into everything so eagerly to use it to beautify. The opposite of this is to be lethargic and uncreative. This causes everything in the room we walk into to wither and die. Everyone notices when a Taurus is taking care of themselves or not. So true. That is why I am soo into healthy eating, because I know that when I do not I become neglectful of everything in my life. She says "The only way to make things come alive is to be alive." The Taurus has to take care of himself in order to have what to pass on to others- that stability. Yay points! I am allowed to take care of myself and actually need to.

She goes onto the helpers or teammates of the Taurus: the other earth signs Virgo and Capricorn. The Virgo takes what the Taurus made and uses it to feed others- this is her nature. How beautiful that she enjoys her life in sacrificing for others. I watched the Virgo superpower video, and it said that they work out of enjoyment and love to take what is there to nurture others. They are natural "Virgins" so to say, meaning that they have pure bodies and know what is needed from them. It can go wrong when they do not realize this is their power and use it to resent others for not doing it-then they can become very critical and hard to live with. So I realized this about my Virgo toddler, how she needs to be helping and busy and actually takes pleasure in helping and when she does not get to, she becomes withdrawn and sullen. It is amazing lol. I give her as much jobs as I could, but I get angry when she takes too much time and she in turn gets hurt that she is not able to help me. Lol.

The enemies of Taurus is the other fixed signs, Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio, the last being the greatest. This is where it gets interesting. I also watched the video on Scorpio superpower. Taurus is there to create new things from everything, and Scorpio is the devil's advocate- it either "brings death to what Taurus creates, or regenerates what Taurus kills." I experienced this with my ex Scorpio friend, she was very opposite to everything and every way I did things. We were opposites in every way, and fought a lot. It was an unhealthy relationship and ended in the worst way, with her threatening to destroy my life... Literally exactly what this video said. The Scorpio weeds out what is not necessary for the growth of something, and brings out what is the main issues. I kind of miss that part of our friendship, her being able to investigate and pick up on the important pieces of the story. But also, the Scorpio can be very destructive if they do not listen to their truth of what is good for them, and destroy things and relationships that would help them. This I definitely saw in her, because even when we tried to reconcile and I apologized, she did not accept it and still tried to make my life miserable. She never saw the sincerity in me and was bitter and manipulative because she was hurt. Even a few months ago I tried to reach out and apologize, and she said I am lying and faking my sincerity. At that point I had to cut my losses because it was harmful to me so I blocked her again. Anyway, what's interesting about this is that Taurus can learn from Scorpio to investigate more about what is important and not, and then they could bring the ultimate creation. To bad I don't have any normal Scorpio friends. Although Joe Soll is a Scorpio and he gets me pretty well... We are a good duo because he sees my nature pretty well and shows me when I am too obsessed with the wrong thoughts and what the good thoughts to focus on are. Wow I got lucky.

Anyway, that leaves Leo and Aquarius. Leo is a king and guards the status quo, which Taurus hates because it does not let them create a new world. I have always said that my mission in life what to create a new way. To think I almost married a Leo. I know we would have been too different but now I see why. Leo when they are destructive in their pride can destroy everyone in their life whether they helped them or not. Aquarius is a fixed water sign, and Taurus hates them because they just want to bring their watery spiritualness into everything Taurus builds and there is no place for it. Hm I see that. I am definitely very hands on and cannot take to too much watery thinking in my life.

Which leaves the Cancer superpower video that I watched and it's insight about my husband. Cancer is the fourth sign, and it is the first time feeling was brought into creation, therefore it is about manifesting the soul of people. The feeling. It cares deeply about others. When used the destructive way, Cancers can live fully for others and then develop victim mentality because others are sucking them dry. Wow.  They need their "teammates" water signs Scorpio and Aquarius to show them that spirituality has purpose and to bring people together. They need to guard their heart and are good at bringing light to darkness. This is true about him- he is very into feeling and can become worked up easily when others do not share the view. How interesting. I also definitely sense that he is a step ahead of me in knowing that other's feelings matter.

So basically, I have to create what I could as a Taurus and take care of my home. This is what I am good at, and if I try to be like others and suppress my nature of needing to create I will end up becoming destructive and lazy. It is in me to want to do things all day. I feel that. Lol. And when I am making my daily life happier and new I feel reinvigorated. It is nice to know my path.

As the second sign of the zodiac, the Taurus is "making things beautiful... Giving people reason to live on this earth," said Alyssa Sharpe. The Taurus can be too naive because they just want to get into everything, and believe there is good in everything. This is true by me, I tend to get excited by every single thing I learn and have hard time chosing what to do. It makes life interesting and I can't wait to get out of bed sometimes... But then I neglect priorities and get nervous when things get mixed up and confusing. Such as, too much time on making meals but less on developing emotions. But it is important to know that I can make such a big difference to my world and others.


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