The Nations and G-d

G-d help our people are in a knot. Nobody openly acknowledges the hell we are all going through. They either don't see it or their subconscious does not let them. But I see it. It is there on every one of our faces, as we trudge through life. We feel undeserving of the plentiful abundance we have, because we Know we didn't do our part to deserve it. And so along comes the paranoia and fear that it will be taken from us.. So swiftly and we will all be slaughtered just like they did to us time and time again in the past. We are victims and know it in us. We live and breathe it, full of so much paranoia that we assume even our own brethren hate us. That when I walk past them, they do not smile or greet me. Most times they try their best to act like I am not there, so they won't have to face the tremendous judgement they have of me for being another Jew and I of them. Because subconsciously we all know that we are to blame for all the world's problems. That we are not grateful for our Torah and embracing it like a lifeline. Like we preach to our children, that it is the entire purpose of creation...and should be with us when we wake up, when we go to sleep, when we travel, and when we stay still. No, we don't practice it. We are full of hypocrisy and hate for our fellow. When the Torah is based on the notion of loving every one and it is the only way it can stand. And the only way the world can stand. So yes, we have reason to be so full of dread and contempt for ourselves. And we see our flaws mirrored in the rest of us, because the tribe carries the same vibe. And we are all suffering in silence. Pretending that our addictions and hatred is normal and not plain to see. Gas lighting anyone who does not agree or tend to the life we paved for them. Thereby you have all the "depressed" and "mentally ill" children, who just don't fit the bill for how we live in hush-hush of the truth. The truth that pain exists and it is in every one of us. Those people that are shunned because they can't deny it-they are the strong ones because they rise above the crowd and point at the truth. The issues that the community is scared to face. They will see it when they die, when they are in the world of truth where there is no hiding and all is EXPOSED.

And the rest of the world, lived on oblivious to the Jews' knowledge. The knowledge that can actually save the world, if it is shown by the right example. If we were truly doing what G-d intended for us when he entrusted us to be a light on all the nations. The spark of truth that humans were created for- to know their G-d and rejoice in Him. Now tell me, who's fault is it that there is so little knowledge of it in the world? Why do only Jews seem to fully grasp that there is definitely a G-d in heaven? Why do the majority of the world despise us, and think that the idea of a G-d is some far out theory? I think the answer lies in all of us.


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