Woman Power

My husband and I were talking about how women don't know their purpose and Strength. They Miss their impact on men and each other because of insecurity, causing hate and strife. They act Like men shallow and physical. I used to be that way before I discovered my true greatness. I was ashamed of myself and Trying to hide my pain behind indifference and I acted cruel and uncaring. Meanwhile I was suffering inside and did not know a way out.
So now here I am, my true self out with no pretenses. I am confident, and hide my body because I do not want others to focus on it and miss my true message to the world. I believe in personality and truth over body idealization. Having others admire my body takes away from that truth. So I feel good and special covering up. My husband says it is better for men, because they can be physical creatures and fall to temptation when they are enticed by appearance of a woman's body. What a strange world, that we ignore this and act Like it is false. Men are attracted to women period. The more a women covers her beauty, the more she can be appreciated for her brains and respected. How it all got twisted...

I am enjoying my day of cooking and Letting my husband clean up for me. As Soll said, I am entitled to his help because I can't do it all in my own. Take care of my little one and myself while attending to all the chores. He says being a mother is the most difficult job. It is true because we nurture everyone's emotions. An angry mother creates An angry household, where no one would want to be in it. I hear about it from Ollie Matthews' videos on narcissism. He calls the angry, blaming, and projecting anger on their family mothers monsters. I do agree. I had an angry mother, and I know she was hiding all her unresolved pain and dishing it out on us. I am acknowledging my pain and Letting it out so it doesn't rule me. I see myself in a calmer manner and often speak to myself asking what I feel and need. It makes me able to be there for my family. When my husband behaves out of my personal boundaries, I tell him firmly that it is my limit and he better get a hold of himself to stop. He understood that I was asserting my needs and not trying to hurt him, and he talked it out with me. He was angry because the time was not working out and people kept cutting him off and he felt like an idiot for all the mistakes he makes. I calmly told him it is okay, and brought him to reality of that he was beating himself up. He agreed and told me about his past, and why he did that. It was nice to see him being open, and he admitted that he was ashamed off his behavior... So it caused him to be unconfident. He gets nervous and overtalks in front of others, and he said it may be because of his family toxicity and how he was always pushed down.
He admires my "confidence in my shame." That comes from knowing my past and accepting my behaviors even though they are not great.

I am seeing him more now for how he opened up, how fragile and sensitive he really is. It is refreshing, and hopefully he will get stronger with me supporting him no matter what. It is good to know we never left each other. We need to help each other now, to see that we really are there and are not just taking advantage of one another. Show appreciation and love. Let the relationship really grow so that we help one another grow. Feel real. Not just wallpaper, as we were programmed with from childhood.


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