Living With Others in Peace- The Continuum Concept

Just realized something. My daughter listened to me when I expected her to. As I read on The Continuum Concept, that children act as they are expected by their adults and peers, and if we see them positively they will act well. This is called Innate Sociability, what the Yequana villagers lived by. That nobody was bad or shameful, and they all had inner goodness. I love this concept of course because it promotes positive regard. People never feel inferior and hate. As she said, hatred comes out of the feeling that we are inferior to others and need to fight for our equality.

It also goes hand in hand with Teal Swan's video this week, People are Not All Equal. She says that we repress ourselves to meet societal norms and what we deem as "bad." This causes us to repress our feeling of infertility and feels superior. It's a double whammy because they also repress feeling superior, so they cannot feel good about themselves in any way. While it is natural for people to be better at certain things than others- that is the way they were created. Therefore, we need to start accepting our full selves and not being ashamed of it because of what society deems as right or wrong to be.

So I told my daughter "come here" and made me come along when we wanted to go to the car, and it made her understand that this was what was right for us so she complied. I was not angry or shaming her, just being strong in confidence. And she complied. Sometimes it is important to teach our kids what we need from them. It did not shame her, because as her continuum says, she has to follow what her adults are doing and she wants to do what we say is "right." Also, the Yequana treated their kids as normal and did not make big deals when they listened or did not, no shaming or over idealizing them. This is also a big thing for me, because I think it is so harmful to kids in our society when we make them feel they are over average and not "normal." This is because I experienced this as a kid all my life- feeling shame and taking it in whenever grownups treated me as "non-human" either like I was over-special or less-than. This is because I already felt out of place and different by being adopted.

I guess it does not affect average, non adopted or non abused kids as much when grown ups make big deals about things they do- because they still feel loved by their mother. I did not have that love and security as much.

There needs to be rules and times for everything. Or else everyone will just follow their own will and not try to live properly with others. Which is required for our continuum and social living.


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