Rejection From Bio Brother and Sister

I realized that I felt very depressed after having been thrown back into the darkness with my biological and adoptive brother, after we had our conversation and he wanted to talk the next day. He made me feel bad about myself because I was trying to get validation for not talking to my mother and when I said we are also trying to get something from each other he said no he is not, and that it is a selfish thing to only talk to people to gain from them. He thought I was talking about material things, and I corrected him that I was talking about my emotional well-being, to which he said of course do not talk to people who bring you down. After that. He said Okay whatever I gotta go, take care of yourself. It really hurt. It felt like he was disapproving of me and throwing me out again. I texted him after that I was hurt. He didn't answer.

I feel like I try so hard and my efforts are unnoticed and pointless. I wanted validation and thought I was doing a good job, but apparently I still cannot have that from a birth sibling. My other birth sister ignored me when I seemed "overeager." I was just expressing my feelings. It hurts to be made to be crazy but I know it is just them. Like I saw a quote: If you are ashamed to tell your story, you are surrounded by the wrong friends.


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