Suppressing Our Inferiority Makes us Look Down on those Less Privileged
Have to get this off my mind. Teal Swan was saying in her video about there being no such thing as equality, that we learn to only accept what our society preaches is good and repress our unaccepted feelings to ourselves. Such as feeling inferior. We do not accept painful shameful feelings because society makes us think that those feelings are to be avoided. So defense mechanisms in order to belong makes us suppress the pain. But it's still there.
It's there and I'm talking about adoptive parents and in the fog adoptees. They know who they are. They hide their true feelings, because they are scared of being different. I hate it. It makes me want to scream. Because it makes me feel crazy. They hurt me and try to control me just because of this. Because they cannot handle my feelings. So they need to pretend I don't exist. I have no idea why I was brought into this world the way I am. But one thing I do know, is that I am different and it hurts. It is hard. And they hate that statement. They hate vulnerability. They act like it is weak. But I am living in it. And it is actually making my life more manageable. Instead of having to run from my pain, I can embrace it and have my true self allowed. But only here, in my own house.
My brother actually validated me yesterday. When he called to talk, and was very open as usual. First cautious, but then pouring out his story. I listened and was able to separate much better and see him objectively. Actually care for him because he was not controlling me. He actually admitted that my posts on Facebook about adoption hit him hard because they were true but he couldn't face it so he had to unfollow me.
I hear a child crying pitiful cries as his mother pushes him out side in the hall. I want to cry at how isolated and in pain he sounds. I may be projecting but it is the truth that many mothers do not see how imperative it is to be with your kid's feelings.
My point is. People who suppress their inferior feelings, do not truly accept it in others, and feel above them. Because they see them as inferior and they hate weakness. So they may pretend to pity them, but it is only in a superior way and truly they do not feel equal to them. When they pretend to support equality and love for those suffering. I hate it and it ruins peace in the world. Because there is no true unity behind their action and speech.
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