Soul Group and Meeting Good Friend

I met someone who resonated with me, and I hadn't realized how much I was missing it till then. Everything we said was accepted by one another, and no pretenses. I realized that it is possible for me to be accepted, for who I am. We spoke about how people in the community here are very unaware of feelings, and are taken by status and money... It is hard to connect. She told me I was very good for my age, in being so aware, because it took her till 40 to see these things. It actually felt good, unlike other times I got complimented.. It was because I knew she was sincere. By other people, who were stuck in their status quo, when they told me I was amazing or smart, it felt like they were outting me for being different. Something like a defective doll, as Teal Swan says.. People who have no sense of wholeness in themselves see others as fractured too, and only instead of seeing that they have a full personality to them they only see the actions they are doing now as their full identity.

This is how my bad narcissistic ex friend used to see me. She judged me on every thing, deciding that if I dressed a certain way it made me bad and lower... My mother is also like that, always judging me for my appearance and deciding I am happy or unhealthy based on one thing I say and it can change the next depending on what I say. There is no constant, unconditional regard. As the friend said, there is no such think as unconditional love in friendship because then you can do bad to each other. The thing is, with true friends there is such thing as :) trust, and they don't hurt one another intentionally.

I am learning that true love exists outside me too. As this new woman I met said, people can have narcissistic tendencies but it doesn't mean they are bad fully... You just have to watch and pick up from their actions. I love that because it shows she has good discernment and was able to tell that I had true intentions. It feels good to be recognized, and I guess souls recognize one another, after all. As I told her, it makes life easier to know people are interested and paying attention. She said of course, she is so happy to meet people who know so much too. She complimented me that I will go far with my passion, and I agree. My true potential finally makes some sense to me. I had spoken about Aware Parenting, and that resonated with her as her eyes widened in happiness. I told her about adoption and while she didn't know about the trauma in it, she accepted it instantly. She told me in tears that she thought adoption was the most altruistic thing people do, because they actually want the kid... But then I corrected her that every parent wants their kid. She hadn't felt that way I guess because of her dysfunctional, narcissistic upbringing. But she was becoming her own person now, recognizing the bad that had happened in her childhood. We laughed as we talked about gas-lighting, and just not being able to find normal people who understood it. As we both said, we felt like we had come home meeting one another. There was good boundaries,  and willingness to listen because we had so much in common.

I also like how when I told her about my change, and how I don't care anymore about what my adoptive family thinks, and no longer go to my sister's house because she verbally disparages me and hurts me each time, she laughed and saw it. She agreed that they indeed think I am "nuts," and it felt so validating. Because she knows me and how hard I work on being myself, so she sees that I am great for it.


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