Ignoring a Baby’s Cries
It hit me, my problem with my my ex and my in laws. They locked their son crying nonstop as a baby and made jokes about throwing him out the window. It was 28 years player later, and they still joked about it. It showed and reinforces their belief that babies crying was a nuisance. I cannot be friends with people who think a baby’s crying should be ignored, or worse, acted like it was a bother. It shows how they view their own anger or crying, because their own inner child is seen as pretentious and too much. Therefore they would not be whole, and also expect others to ignore their inner feelings as well. They see babies and toddlers as lower than them, and needing to be controlled, not letting the child have their feelings as their own and be an individual person. It is disrespectful to a human being, not to accept them for who they are. Children have needs to explore and assert their boundaries, in order to develop into their own person. The Aware Baby speaks about the need...