Overwhelming pain From my "Sweet Spot" of dealing with Supressed Feelings
It happened again. I fell into a bout of depression and extreme nerves. I was soo happy yesterday, and last night. I was on my peak of self-belief and happiness. But this morning the pressure of the day got to me. My 10 month old baby showed extreme signs of sadness, and I could not give her comfort at the moment because I was wrapped up in something I found important. Suddenly, my heart sank into my stomach and I felt I could NOT do this aware parenting. It was WAY TOO HARD. How could one mother help her baby with all the feelings? Especially when she had her traumatic birth, and I had spent her first nine months suppressing her cries with a pacifier, and she just had my DNA so she must be always as confused and sad as I am. It shattered me completely, and I felt helpless. I listened to her crying and raging in small doses, and watched that when I put her down she clammed up and acted silly, but then when I h...