I spoke to my favorite Rabbi this morning and told him what I am going through. It was my first time talking to him and I was so nervous, but he understood everything pretty much. He reassured me and told me to focus on my health, staying away from toxic people. It made me realize that my family now matters the most, and I was worrying about things that would not help such as wanting to be more religious. He said it will come and God has lots of patience. He heard about my adoption and I told him how I was able to do so much healing by meeting my birth parents. He said I should follow my heart. I felt his respect for me and it was comforting. He told me to move away from the community I was in now because it way to black and white, and find a place that I was comfortable to be myself in. It's true and I hate when people stare at me not understanding me. I appreciated how he said I had the power to raise my family and find a purpose for myself in it. He said it was important for me ...