On Knowing Your Self
Fear has done us a lot of damage. By instilling in people that they were sinners for not following a certain path, it caused self rejection to those who were incapable of being there. Due to not having a sense of self, as was in my case. I felt further alienated from ever finding myself and inner happiness by those teachings. I felt confused at why, if this was so great a path that earned happiness and peace, I felt so disconnected from myself in it, and so connected to myself when I strayed and did "animalistic things" as they taught. Such as dancing to wild music, movies, and looking good. I did not have the desire to speak with respect to the teachers who ignored my lack of comprehension and ability to be interested in class, visit and care for elderly people, be a good little girl in synagogue. It all made me feel confused. Now that I am out of the fog and picked up more truth to who I am, as someone who was traumatized and had to hide her sense of confusion about my ide...